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yarn constraints

Check that the project constraints are met.


$> yarn constraints


Check that all constraints are satisfied :

yarn constraints

Autofix all unmet constraints :

yarn constraints --fix




Attempt to automatically fix unambiguous issues, following a multi-pass process


Format the output as an NDJSON stream


This command will run constraints on your project and emit errors for each one that is found but isn't met. If any error is emitted the process will exit with a non-zero exit code.

If the --fix flag is used, Yarn will attempt to automatically fix the issues the best it can, following a multi-pass process (with a maximum of 10 iterations). Some ambiguous patterns cannot be autofixed, in which case you'll have to manually specify the right resolution.

For more information as to how to write constraints, please consult our dedicated page on our website: https://yarnpkg.com/features/constraints.