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yarn stage

Add all yarn files to your vcs.


$> yarn stage


Adds all modified project files to the staging area :

yarn stage

Creates a new commit containing all modified project files :

yarn stage --commit




Commit the staged files


Remove all files from the staging area


Print the commit message and the list of modified files without staging / committing


This command will add to your staging area the files belonging to Yarn (typically any modified package.json and .yarnrc.yml files, but also linker-generated files, cache data, etc). It will take your ignore list into account, so the cache files won't be added if the cache is ignored in a .gitignore file (assuming you use Git).

Running --reset will instead remove them from the staging area (the changes will still be there, but won't be committed until you stage them back).

Since the staging area is a non-existent concept in Mercurial, Yarn will always create a new commit when running this command on Mercurial repositories. You can get this behavior when using Git by using the --commit flag which will directly create a commit.