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yarn run

Run a script defined in the package.json.


$> yarn run <scriptName> ...


Run the tests from the local workspace :

yarn run test

Same thing, but without the "run" keyword :

yarn test

Inspect Webpack while running :

yarn run --inspect-brk webpack




Forwarded to the underlying Node process when executing a binary


Forwarded to the underlying Node process when executing a binary


Check the root workspace for scripts and/or binaries instead of the current one


Ignore any user defined scripts and only check for binaries

--require #0

Forwarded to the underlying Node process when executing a binary


This command will run a tool. The exact tool that will be executed will depend on the current state of your workspace:

  • If the scripts field from your local package.json contains a matching script name, its definition will get executed.

  • Otherwise, if one of the local workspace's dependencies exposes a binary with a matching name, this binary will get executed.

  • Otherwise, if the specified name contains a colon character and if one of the workspaces in the project contains exactly one script with a matching name, then this script will get executed.

Whatever happens, the cwd of the spawned process will be the workspace that declares the script (which makes it possible to call commands cross-workspaces using the third syntax).