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yarn npm info

Show information about a package.


$> yarn npm info ...


Show all available information about react (except the dist, readme, and users fields) :

yarn npm info react

Show all available information about react as valid JSON (including the dist, readme, and users fields) :

yarn npm info react --json

Show all available information about react@16.12.0 :

yarn npm info react@16.12.0

Show all available information about react@next :

yarn npm info react@next

Show the description of react :

yarn npm info react --fields description

Show all available versions of react :

yarn npm info react --fields versions

Show the readme of react :

yarn npm info react --fields readme

Show a few fields of react :

yarn npm info react --fields homepage,repository



-f,--fields #0

A comma-separated list of manifest fields that should be displayed


Format the output as an NDJSON stream


This command fetches information about a package from the npm registry and prints it in a tree format.

The package does not have to be installed locally, but needs to have been published (in particular, local changes will be ignored even for workspaces).

Append @<range> to the package argument to provide information specific to the latest version that satisfies the range or to the corresponding tagged version. If the range is invalid or if there is no version satisfying the range, the command will print a warning and fall back to the latest version.

If the -f,--fields option is set, it's a comma-separated list of fields which will be used to only display part of the package information.

By default, this command won't return the dist, readme, and users fields, since they are often very long. To explicitly request those fields, explicitly list them with the --fields flag or request the output in JSON mode.