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yarn dlx

Run a package in a temporary environment.


$> yarn dlx <command> ...


Use create-react-app to create a new React app :

yarn dlx create-react-app ./my-app

Install multiple packages for a single command :

yarn dlx -p typescript -p ts-node ts-node --transpile-only -e "console.log('hello!')"



-p,--package #0

The package(s) to install before running the command


Only report critical errors instead of printing the full install logs


This command will install a package within a temporary environment, and run its binary script if it contains any. The binary will run within the current cwd.

By default Yarn will download the package named command, but this can be changed through the use of the -p,--package flag which will instruct Yarn to still run the same command but from a different package.

Using yarn dlx as a replacement of yarn add isn't recommended, as it makes your project non-deterministic (Yarn doesn't keep track of the packages installed through dlx - neither their name, nor their version).